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Contradicties tussen de Bijbel en de kerkvaders

In de geschriften van de kerkvaders zien we overleveringen die tegenstrijdig zijn met de overleveringen in de Bijbel.

Een simpele voorbeeld hiervan is de kerkvader Origenes (het jaar 240) die in zijn commentaar op johannes 1;28, het woord ‘Bethany’ wijzigt in ‘Bethabara’ ondanks dat bijna alle manuscripten ‘Bethany’ hebben. Dit is echter niet het enige voorbeeld van een overlevering in de Bijbel dat niet geaccepteerd wordt door de kerkvaders. (1)

Ook in de geschriften van Papias zien we enkele voorbeelden daarvan.
Papias vermeldt een tegenstrijdige overlevering over de dood van Judas dat niet overeenkomt met de Bijbel.

In Matteus lezen we het volgende; “Matthew 27:5
Then he threw down the pieces of silver in the temple and departed, and went and hanged himself”.

Papias schrijft het volgende in ‘the fourth of the exegeses of the Words of the Lord”, dat wordt overgeleverd door Apollinarius of Laodicea; “Judas walked about as an example of godlessness in this world, having been bloated so much in the flesh that he could not go through where a chariot goes easily, indeed not even his swollen head by itself. For the lids of his eyes, they say, were so puffed up that he could not see the light, and his own eyes could not be seen, not even by a physician with optics, such depth had they from the outer apparent surface. And his genitalia appeared more disgusting and greater than all formlessness, and he bore through them from his whole body flowing pus and worms, and to his shame these things alone were forced [out]. And after many tortures and torments, they say, when he had come to his end in his own place, from the place became deserted and uninhabited until now from the stench, but not even to this day can anyone go by that place unless they pinch their nostrils with their hands, so great did the outflow from his body spread out upon the earth”.(2)

WIe heeft gelijk Origenes of de Bijbel?

Wie heeft gelijk Papias of Matteus?



